Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Systems Art Final Project:

3-D Sound Visualization System

My original attempt at this project involved a system that would create 3-D geometry in virtual space with a sound file as subject matter, that would eventually be a OBJ file that someone could 3-D print.. I soon realized that I lacked the expertise and time to accomplish such a task. I then turned my attention so a similar ideal. I was inspired by sound manipulating 3-D structures, so I definitely wanted to incorporate that. I was also inspired by sound visualization in general i.e. Windows Media Player. The idea then came to me of making a system that would essentially do the same thing but with 3-D geometry. I took to the internet and to my professor who had done something similar. Both of which showed me resources to help me make it happen. Ultimately I wanted the system to be reactive piece that would involve someone reading poetry and then they would have a visual representation based on the feedback of their voice. Which my system didn't quite get too, but it does react to previously recorded audio right now which is still pretty awesome. Future implications of something like this could be a projection at a karaoke bar in which performers could see the shape that they were singing into being. Emergent properties might include some sort of concept along the lines of, would people change the pitch and sound of their voice in order to alter the shape, or would they simply observe their natural vocals.

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