Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Exercise #2 Organic Analogues

A organic platform that would change and interact with it's environment based on where someone was standing while viewing a something i.e a piece of artwork. It would be a rectangular platform made of 8 sections of 2 foot square patches of grass. A sensor would be placed under each patch and would store information about which patches where stood on more often and for how long they were stood upon. Based on this data feedback one would either water periodically the patches that where stood upon the most and deprive the ones that were stood upon the least, Or in real time have a system deliver nutrients to the systems based upon the information from the sensors. The end goal would be to show where observers where standing while viewing something with a tangible substrate that we interact with in our everyday lives.

Required Materials: Platform frame, Grass Sections 2 Foot squares, Weight sensors, Computer, Nutrient delivery system i.e. Watering pale or real time watering system which would require some sort of sectioned tubing to each section as well as another computer whose job is to disperse water pertaining to observer activity. 

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